
The Dice dictate all. We are but humble envoys, responding to the wishes of luck itself, bettering or crippling ourselves as the Dice desire. On and on Their faces roll, granting us glimpses of each possible future, before turning to the next and the next. Pray that they look upon you favorably, for your life could depend on Them.

Many have dared these dungeons before,  none have lived to tell the tale.  Deeper you go once more,  down below with no ail,  and so now I ask, Honoluku. Will The Dice favor you?


AbilityHow to Use
RollMouse Right Click
ShootMouse Left Click
Strong ShootMouse Left Click Hold/Release


Honoluku was made in 48h for the GMTK Game Jam 2022. Our idea was to create a dungeon crawler in which you had to use luck to your advantage. Originally we were going to have a dice roll at the beginning of every room you entered, cursing you or aiding you on your journey. We realized that this would feel very random, and could potentially come across as annoying instead of fun to the player as they had no say on the roll. 

Instead, we opted for another approach, which is what you can almost see in the current version of this game ('almost', because unfortunately, it's full of bugs and it's not well balanced). The idea is to have some of the enemies drop a die when they died, these enemies would be marked somehow in order for the player to recognize them. All enemy dice would curse the player in some way or another, but the important part to us was the player had the choice of when to kill them.

From there we realized the game would only continuously get harder and harder, so we opted for the player's health to be dice as well. These would instead  'bless' the player by providing some sort of perk. Thus the idea was to let the game balance itself, by getting progressively more and more hectic, while still remaining at a similar level of difficulty. 

Unfortunately, due to the time constraint, we were not able to reach this vision, but we are working hard to update the game once that option becomes available once again.

It was an absolute blast to participate in this game jam. We want to thank Mark Brown for creating it in the first place and most importantly for being a huge inspiration to us as a dev team.  Cheers GMTK!


Programming - Stephan, Alessandro

Art, Music - Alessandro

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